Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008


credit titled, Dwi Anisa, Gagas Media

Hi dear all.. finally, my book has just been printed... but need a little time for distribution...
please be patient... it will be coming soon....

I will be your forever bestfriend and forever your dream...

My heart is always be with you..

Miss Jinjing.....

3 komentar:

Windy Amrin mengatakan...

yang jadi covernya mba amy ya,mbak? :)

Lia mengatakan...

Dear Amy

My name is Lia, married, 36 years, working in a bank.

I bought and read your book as noticed the book was reviewed in Femina(wasn't it? Or just slighty mentioned thereon). Sorry to say, but I think the book is nothing but a big disappointment. Maybe I was expecting too much. Previously I read too a blog based book ie. the naked traveller.. and
was such an added value book. Basically I got a lot of infos there about travelling,.. Fun to read but got various info at the same time. But your book? I was expecting a lot of info about shopping.. Hmmm waht did I get?? unfortunate.. It's more focused on yourselves, your personal issues rather sharing valuable info on shopping. What is the necessity of informing the readers about your sports things, your maid was going abroad with you, your pets, how lucky lucky lucky (repetitively) are you having your loving family (nothings wrong about i indeed, but not something to share in a book claimed as sharing info about shopping..please!!)? You're totally out of focus. You were showing off. If you want to talk about yourself, write an autobiography instead. Ironically, I got an impression that you feel you have a big talent on writing.. (in your book I think you said something about it).

Amy, I am not a book reviewer, but if I may suggest.. simply just follow the common rule. If you write a book on shopping, write about it.


stefanny wijaya mengatakan...

Shopping emang nga ada capenya... kaki lecet nga bikin semangat shopping ilang ... uda kayak semangat pahlawan di medan perang dehhh.... saya suka barang bermerek n bling-bling :) bkn pemborosan lho tp investasi hari tua..
Dan tentang cerita mbak about credit card ... wah.. saya nga setuju bngt deh kalo jaman gini nga pake credit card ... u/ beli brg yg nilainya puluhan hingga ratusan jt kan ng amngkn kita bw duit 1 tas penuh ( Bs ilang nyawa kaliiiiiiii ) Boleh gesek tuch card tp ingat2 saldo di bank jg dong hehehhehe... thank u banget buat mbak Amy..ceritanya mewakili para Fashionholic :) Fashion item you should buy before you die :)